ID: 99
icon Title
Friend of Giants
Lv: 2
Increases Intelligence +3.
21-10-2014 21:58

(Nuia,West) In order to start this quest, you have to purchace the book "A Wish Come True" from one of the 3 evenbards on the West Continent (Samion in Marlanople, Samunin in Golden Fable Harbor in Sanddeep, and Samiel in the Crecent Throne in Solzreed Peninsula) Evenbards can only be found during the night. After you have the book on you, you bring it to Librarian Madam Ollinga in the Crecent Throne in Solzreed. That will start the quest chain that will lead to this title or "Barkbridge Builder" depending if you decide to help the little girl protect the giant, or if you decide to blow it up to help make a bridge. Good luck!

2-12-2014 23:34

Note: This title is completely unavailable to Eastern players. The Eastern equivalents are Autumn's Petal and Plainsracer.

5-03-2015 10:43

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