ID: 10812
icon Полосатый олень
Уровень: 5
Обычное существо / Питомец
Время перерождения: 10с

icon - Рывок
icon - Верховой выстрел
icon - Огненная стрела
icon - Прицельный выстрел
icon - Грациозный прыжок

Получается из:
icon - Полосатый олень

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rhystell 28-01-2019 20:14

Hi, I'm the uploader of the images, Im sorry, I had open the regular elk window and sent the screenshots to the wrong page. then it seemed that something went wrong and the images did not apeared, so I thought I was lucky and went to the actual gallant elk, but then it uploaded here, so, short version: change if you can the images to the proper mount, please.


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